Home math environment of Chilean boys and girls: Factors that explain home math activities

Bernardita García de Magalhaes-calvet , María Inés Susperreguy  , M. Francisca del Río , Viviana Salinas, Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 2022, 54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14349/rlp.2022.v54.4



The study analyzes (a) the differences between mothers and fathers in their home math activities and home math environment factors (math attitudes, anxiety, beliefs, and expectations) and (b) the associations among the home math environment factors and home math activities of Chilean families. Method: Participants were 266 families of boys and girls attending grades 1-3 (mean age = 93.35 months, DS = 11.45 months). Both parents of each child independently answered a home math questionnaire. Results: Mothers reported doing more math activities with their children than fathers. The structural equation model analyses showed that the frequency with which fathers engage in home math activities was related to their math beliefs, attitudes, and expectations, whereas maternal home math activities were related to their beliefs, attitudes, and the gender of the child. Conclusions: The findings contribute to the understanding of the home math environment.

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