The COVID-19 pandemic produced the most significant educational disruptions in history. More than 190 countries suspended face-to-face instruction, affecting approximately 1.6 billion students.
Author Archives: memat
Previous research provides evidence that developing a growth mindset (believing that one’s abilities can improve) promotes academic achievement.
Introducción: Este artículo investiga indicadores de las expectativas de carrera en el área STEM entre niños y niñas de educación básica en Chile, con un foco en el papel de las expectativas profesionales de los padres, las habilidades tempranas de los niños y niñas (comunicación, habilidades cognitivas, socioemocionales y funciones ejecutivas), y los efectos moderadores del género y el nivel socioeconómico de la familia.
Using data from 12 studies, we meta-analyze correlations between parent number talk during interactions with their young children (mean sample age ranging from 22 to 79 months) and two aspects of family socioeconomics, parent education, and family income.
This paper analyzes the purposes stated by a small sample of Chilean students, categorizing them according to their self-oriented, altruistic or hybrid characteristics, overcoming the dichotomy that is common in the literature, which includes only extrinsic and intrinsic purposes, or self-oriented and prosocial purposes.
Computer-based interventions aimed at helping students adopt a growth mindset have been designed and tested in high-income countries for several years.
Learning to read in children with Down syndrome is relevant because of the impact this skill has on learning and the development of autonomy.
We wondered whether a personalized book could increase parents’ perceptions of their children’s interest in books and reading, as well as engagement during book reading.
This paper investigates indicators of STEM career expectations among middle school children in Chile, with a focus on the roles of parental career expectations and children’s early skills (communication, cognitive, socio-emotional skills, and executive functions), and the moderating effects of gender and family socioeconomic status.
En marzo de este año MINEDUC anunció el aumento en nueve puntos de la prueba SIMCE de matemáticas de cuarto año básico aplicada en 2023, el aumento más significativo en los últimos diez años. A pesar del dato esperanzador, en la misma medición podemos observar que se sigue manteniendo una brecha de género, lo que sigue siendo un gran desafío para el sistema educativo chileno.