Investigadoras de MEMAT elaboraron una columna de opinión respecto de los preocupantes resultados de la prueba PISA 2022.
Author Archives: memat
The relation between early numeracy and motor skills has previously been examined, however,different results have been obtained depending on whether gross, fine,or perceptual-motor skills wereconsidered in the study and the numeracy outcomes that were analyzed.
Given that early maths skills are crucial predictors of later academic success, the results from the latest maths SIMCE (System for Measurement of Quality in Education) are cause for alarm.
“She’s a güagüa, she won’t understand.”
“What are you talking to her for if she won’t answer you?”
“Pass him plenty of toys, don’t you see that at this age they are little sponges? They absorb everything!”
These are some of the phrases that we adults commonly use to refer to the learning of babies (or güagüas, as we call them in Chile).
Fernanda Ahumada y Andrea Cáceres se suman como nuevas investigadoras jóvenes del Núcleo.
Play is a space that naturally promotes learning, creativity, cognitive and brain development, motor skills, communication and socialization. So how can we leverage play to promote math skills at an early age?
It is common to hear phrases such as “boys are more talented at mathematics than girls” or “mathematics is a boy’s business” in various contexts and situations: classrooms, family gatherings, the media and in other spheres of society.
En este curso te invitamos a explorar y conocer sobre los números y sus relaciones a través del juegos educativos que usan la tecnología para motivar el aprendizaje. Utilizaremos diversos materiales concretos que beneficien la curiosidad y creatividad natural de las niñas y niños entre 4 y 5 años.
What is the reason behind the fact that students with outstanding performance in mathematics often experience feelings of incompetence or avoid tasks that involve numerical reasoning?
Caracterización del conocimiento didáctico-estocástico de los futuros profesores de matemáticas: El caso de Chile