This study reports whether a personalized book giveaway intervention boosts both parents’ perception about their 33-month-old (52% female) children’s interest in books and reading (through a children’s reading interest scale, and report of the child’s favorite book), as well as child and adult engagement during shared reading.
Author Archives: memat
The study sought to identify family conditions and school actions associated with academic self-efficacy and emotional well-being of adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile.
Learning to read for children with Down syndrome is relevant because of the impact this ability has on learning and the development of autonomy.
The presence of students from different countries in the classroom brings a cultural diversity that is tremendously valuable, and provides an opportunity to enrich mathematics classes through integration strategies.
Interacciones para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en las edades iniciales
What is play? Although it is not entirely clear what is and what is not play, there are certain activities on which we can agree.
The gender gap in mathematics achievement in favor of male students in Chile is one of the largest among OECD member countries.
Perfiles del entorno de aprendizaje temprano en casa y su contribución al desarrollo infantil en Chile
María Inés Susperreguy, fue nombrada Directora del Departamento de Aprendizaje y Desarrollo de la Facultad de Educación UC.
La serie de artículos busca difundir el trabajo de los académicos y académicas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica respecto a un tema de interés público, aportando con insumos para los tomadores de decisión.