Author Archives: memat

Self-Regulation Scaffolding Behaviors of Teachers in Chilean Preschool Classrooms

Teachers’ scaffolding behaviors support children’s self-regulation skills in the classroom. However, little evidence is available regarding the presence of self-regulation scaffolding behaviors in preschool teachers, and how they vary throughout the year and in different learning experiences. Less is known about these behaviors in Latin American preschool contexts. The main goal of this study was to develop a coding system to examine and compare preschool teachers’ self-regulation scaffolding behaviors at the beginning and end of the school year in two learning experiences (i.e. greeting time and math instruction). Participants were 18 Chilean preschool teachers (Mage = 37.17 years; SD = 8.83). Seventy video segments were coded based on teacher behaviors targeting children’s self-regulation. The coding system included three scales: Instructional Strategy, Management Organization, and Warmth Responsivity. Research Findings: Findings revealed a greater presence of teachers’ self-regulation scaffolding behaviors in the Instructional Strategy scale than in the Management Organization and Warmth Responsivity scales. Also, the presence of teachers’ self-regulation scaffolding behaviors in the Instructional Strategy and Warmth Responsivity scales was related to the type of learning experience. Practice or Policy: The description of self-regulation scaffolding behaviors in Chilean preschool teachers contributes to understanding the role of teachers in the preschool context.

Tercer Coloquio de Investigación MEMAT: Fernanda Ahumada, analizó el habla y acciones matemáticas de párvulos durante el juego con bloques

¿Sabías que el juego con bloques permite a niños y niñas explorar conceptos matemáticos, como la geometría, la simetría y la medición? Sobre este tema profundizó Fernanda Ahumada, estudiante de doctorado de nuestro Núcleo, en el Tercer Coloquio de Investigación MEMAT.

[El Ciudadano] Durante 1er semestre de 2022: Establecimientos educacionales no lograron contactar a alrededor de 100 mil escolares y 70 mil párvulos matriculados en el sistema

Datos corresponden a un informe de monitoreo realizado por investigadores del CIAE de la Universidad de Chile, la Escuela de Gobierno y el Instituto de Sociología de la Universidad Católica, en colaboración con el Centro de Estudios del Ministerio de Educación y la Subsecretaría de Educación Parvularia.