Walking another pathway: The inclusion of patterning in the pathways to mathematics model

Sabrina M. Di Lonardo Burr, Chang Xu, Heather Douglas, Jo-Anne LeFevre, María Inés Susperreguy, Walking another pathway: The inclusion of patterning in the pathways to mathematics model, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Volume 222, 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2022.105478.

According to the Pathways to Mathematics model [LeFevre et al. (2010), Child Development, Vol. 81, pp. 1753–1767], children’s cognitive skills in three domains—linguistic, attentional, and quantitative—predict concurrent and future mathematics achievement. We extended this model to include an additional cognitive skill, patterning, as measured by a non-numeric repeating patterning task. Chilean children who attended schools of low or high socioeconomic status (N = 98; 54% girls) completed cognitive measures in kindergarten (Mage = 71 months) and numeracy and mathematics outcomes 1 year later in Grade 1. Patterning and the original three pathways were correlated with the outcomes. Using Bayesian regressions, after including the original pathways and mother’s education, we found that patterning skills predicted additional variability in applied problem solving and arithmetic fluency, but not number ordering, in Grade 1. Similarly, patterning skills were included in the best model for applied problem solving and arithmetic fluency, but not for number ordering, in Grade 1. In accord with the hypotheses of the original Pathways to Mathematics model, patterning varied in its unique and relative contributions to later mathematical performance, depending on the demands of the tasks. We conclude that patterning is a useful addition to the Pathways to Mathematics model, providing further insights into the range of cognitive precursors that are related to children’s mathematical development.

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