This policy brief summarizes the key findings and implications of the study entitled “Early Sources of Children’s Math Achievement in Chile: The Role of Parents’ Beliefs and Feelings about Mathematics”.
Author Archives: memat
El fondo tiene como objetivo el fortalecimiento de la base científica y tecnológica del país, así como también, la vinculación internacional y la promoción de investigación de frontera.
Learning mathematics is not usually the most attractive for our students. They usually face mathematical activities without understanding their meaning, without understanding what they are going to use them for in their lives, and sometimes even making abstract representations that they are unable to understand.
Estamos muy felices de anunciar la participación de la estudiante MEMAT, Macarena Angulo, en esta nueva versión del Coloquio de Investigación MEMAT.
Macarena actualmente se encuentra cursando el Doctorado en Educación de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado y Universidad Diego Portales.
Computer-based interventions that aim to help students endorse a growth mindset have been designed and tested in high-income countries for a number of years.
The COVID-19 pandemic produced the most significant disruption in education in history.
Math skills during early childhood are strongly linked to the educational success of children and adolescents.
David Gómez, también académico de la Universidad de O’Higgins manifestó que es un honor ser parte del proceso de instalación de la Nueva Educación Pública en la región.
This paper reports results of an experimental study that assessed the efficacy and teachers’ perception of feasibility of a set of structured games for promoting curriculum learning goals in 12 prekindergarten and kindergarten classrooms in Chile.
Reading motivation is multidimensional and a critical contributor to students’ reading comprehension skill.