Archivos del Autor: memat

Teachers’ strategies and challenges in teaching 21st century skills: Little common understanding

Faced with a world of accelerating change and rapidly-evolving technology, education systems must provide students with the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century. However, many countries have failed to incorporate the teaching of these skills within their schools. Our study therefore looks to portray teachers’ understanding, strategies and obstacles in teaching these skills across Latin American classrooms. To do so, we analyzed the responses to an online survey from 1391 active teachers across 20 countries in the region. This revealed varying understandings of 21st century skills, with little common understanding. Most teachers failed to mention the skills included in the most popular framework (the 4 Cs); those who did reported using the same strategies, regardless of the skill being taught. These strategies included project-based learning, oracy activities, literacy strategies, and teamwork. We conclude that there is little or no common understanding around these skills, nor the best strategies for developing them. Our study helps understand the potential causes preventing the teaching of these skills in the classroom, a problem that extends beyond Latin America.

Christian Peake, Investigador Adjunto MEMAT, presentó el desarrollo del software educativo MathPath

Compartimos algunas imágenes de la Charla MEMAT realizada ayer 08 de marzo, por nuestra colaboradora internacional Dra. Victoria Simms.

En la instancia participó nuestra directora, María Inés Susperreguy, la directora interna, M. Francisca del Río, y nuestra colaboradora internacional, Jimena Cosso.⁣

Este 8M, Dra. Victoria Simm realizó la Charla MEMAT: «Every mind counts: Mathematical development in different country contexts»

Compartimos algunas imágenes de la Charla MEMAT realizada ayer 08 de marzo, por nuestra colaboradora internacional Dra. Victoria Simms.

En la instancia participó nuestra directora, María Inés Susperreguy, la directora interna, M. Francisca del Río, y nuestra colaboradora internacional, Jimena Cosso.⁣

[UDP] M. Francisca del Río: “Matemática y género: La educación parvularia es el lugar privilegiado para intervenir y y generar los cambio necesarios”

Históricamente en Chile, los resultados de las distintas pruebas estandarizadas, entre estas la última prueba de postulación a la educación superior (PAES), han dejado en evidencia la brecha de género a favor de los varones en las pruebas de matemática.

Dra. Victoria Simms realizó el Workshop MEMAT: «Peer review and getting published (while trying to keep your cool!)»

Este martes 7 de marzo, nuestra colaboradora internacional Dra. Victoria Simms Profesora Titular y Directora de Investigación de la Escuela de Psicología de Ulster University, dictó el Workshop MEMAT: «Peer review and getting published (while trying to keep your cool!)».⁣
En la instancia participó nuestra directora, María Inés Susperreguy, la directora interna, M. Francisca del Río, y nuestra colaboradora internacional, Jimena Cosso.⁣